Unprecedented Direct Payments from HB 449
IBEW 611 would like to announce that Thursday the displaced members from IBEW 611 will start receiving the direct payments that were included in HB 449 “The Energy Transition Act”. This is unprecedented. There has been no other state where the workers had a voice at the table and were able to receive direct payments that we are aware of. The work that the Hall has put in along with our Building Trades partners has finally paid benefits to the displaced members. This was a project that spanned over three years and has had its ups and downs. We were successful along with the help Department of Workforce Solutions Secretary Sarita Nair in changing the original ETA language and encompassing a larger group of our members. Close to two hundred IBEW 611 brothers and sisters will be receiving this direct payment. The Bill was a bipartisan effort and was passed unanimously in each of the Committees and was sponsored by both Democrats and Republicans. We appreciate our supporters and thank them for helping achieve a measure of fairness to a difficult transition. Again good work to all that supported this effort.
Pete Trujillo
IBEW 611 Business Manager